Saturday, January 8, 2011

California Lov

Here I am !

Started the New Years off right in a the state of California! It has surely been a few weeks of grueling moving, cleaning, goodbyes, and the search for the perfect home. But we made it! After a 14 hour drive on New Years eve we happily arrived in Santa Cruz where Dave & I resided for a week or so before moving into a place in Monterey. Anyways, things have been good here with Painted Lady- wrapped up the holiday shoots with a calendar shoot for a lady whose hubby is in the Navy. Definitely the biggest project I've worked on in a bit! Here' one of my fave's from her shoot
Then today I finally had a moment to play around with some picture time for myself and I took this little cutie self portrait! Hope ya dig :)

Anyways, if you are any friends are in the SF, Monterey, Salinas, Seattle, Portland, Olympia or Tampa area you should follow me on FB by 'Liking' my page so you can keep up on my travel dates and specials! Here's my Facebook so you can see a ton more work there. Anyways, have a rad day!

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